Trial Consultant & Trial Support Services

Trial Consultants

Litigation Advantage’s trial consultants are comprised of experienced attorneys and paralegals with years of litigation experience. Trial Consulting services provided include:

Equipment Rental

Not all courtrooms are configured for electronic presentations. Litigation Advantage can plan, set-up and maintain courtroom equipment during your trial, including: monitors, projectors, interactive projectors, screens, audio, wiring, etc.

In addition to providing equipment, our services include:


What an idea! You can opt to use this innovative idea for your one or two day trials, arbitrations, mediations, hearings and other times when cost or other restrictions may require you to handle the technology. We will build the database from the documents you supply and provide you with the training you need to run the programs.

The “Loaded Laptop” comes loaded with:

Documents will be printed in your document binder with document number and barcode for scanning to display. Other equipment: Bar Code Scanner; Presentation Remote with Pointer and projector screen and all necessary wiring and cables.